MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere

Junior animation student, KCAI
Main programs: Clip Studio Paint, Procreate, Toon Boom Harmony Advanced, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
Thank you for checking out my work!

MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere


The videos below are older, more on my YOUTUBE

MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere


MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere

Character Design

MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere

Sketches / Other Work

MacKenna G

character/creature animation, storyboard, illustrationMack - she/they - @ eyesee / eyeseehere

These are the best ways to contact me via social media, all business is carried through emailInstagram -
Discord - eyeseehere (previously eyesee#2099)